jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Hunting Teddy Bears

Hunting Teddy Bears 05/03/08

Chorus I
Come and hunt
Teddy bears with me
We’ll laugh as they die
We’ll smile while they bleed
Listen now
Don’t mind going crazy
You and I
Can get what we want

Be my
And don’t end
In desperation

So like him,
So like each other
You look sick,
It’s something mental

Promise me
She has potential
All of this
Motive is needless

Hello there
She’s not that shallow
As you may think
"Forever blue eyed"

Chorus I

Hate is not the answer
I think we’re the problem
As if she was helping
Only with her trouble

Please be my
We may save
Some other distance

Hate with me
We’ll hate together
On our own
Forever storm-raged

Chorus I

Chorus II
Look at them
They come in pairs
Look at them
Those teddy bears
Feel their pain
That’s nothing mental
In their flesh
They feel the bullets

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