lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

We Should Restrict Him (Or Kill Him in His Playground)

We Should Restrict Him (Or Kill Him in His Playground) 14/02/08

Chorus I
What if I dont care
What if i don’t mind
Traveling while you stay
Traveling far away

There’s no reaction
As the world sets in its motion
Just as unnoticed
As you setting fly from here

An interaction
May go as far away as you want to
No comprehension
No compromise
There’s no law at all

Chorus I
Chorus II
What about those hearts
All those hearts you take
All those hearts you grab
Before we all wake up

There are no restrictions
When you take your own decisions
All of us waiting
For what you may call a war

No disposition
But the one of your own vision
Won’t keep on asking for permission
For your own sake
Don’t treat us as if we were blind

Chorus I
Chorus II

Part C
Well you shouldn’t care
You should never mind
Travel while I stay
Travel far away
I’ll take care of them
All the hearts you’ve broken
Mend them while you’re gone
Keep them safe from harm

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